Blue has been my favorite colour of mine for a very long time (yes I am wearing 3 blue items of clothing as I type). The love affair began very young and continues with blues ranging from brilliant to grey finding their way into my painting, home, clothes, photos.
A perfect, blue, Robin's egg has landed in our lives. We found it sitting in the middle of one of our vegetable beds one recent morning. Its brilliant blue was off-set by the rich brown of the damp soil on which it rested. It was too cool and too long gone from it's nest to be viable any longer; the lost booty from a night-time nest-raid.
It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever encountered. Not only in it's brilliant blue, but also the perfection of it's small egg-shape and the weight it carries when it rests in one's hand. There is the possibility of the life once held inside it and maybe a small baby bird embalmed within an insanely blue shell.
What keeps amazing me, is that something so utterly beautiful is freely given, costing not a cent. It is purely functional, yet brings such joy.
A perfect, blue, Robin's egg has landed in our lives. We found it sitting in the middle of one of our vegetable beds one recent morning. Its brilliant blue was off-set by the rich brown of the damp soil on which it rested. It was too cool and too long gone from it's nest to be viable any longer; the lost booty from a night-time nest-raid.
It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever encountered. Not only in it's brilliant blue, but also the perfection of it's small egg-shape and the weight it carries when it rests in one's hand. There is the possibility of the life once held inside it and maybe a small baby bird embalmed within an insanely blue shell.
What keeps amazing me, is that something so utterly beautiful is freely given, costing not a cent. It is purely functional, yet brings such joy.